There are a number of different ways to manage the tasks you need to complete – whether they are personal tasks or work projects. One of the most popular and successful methods is the Getting Things Done (GTD) approach, and this is a philosophy that Firetask subscribes to.
The app is a project oriented tool that makes it easy to keep on top of even the most complex of projects. Every project you create is broken down into a number of component tasks which can be ordered and re-ordered as necessary.
- Firetask for iPad 3.8.5. Keep on top of your tasks with this GTD inspired task manager. No Trial Available. Firetask for iPhone 5.8.5.
- Go down to the '3' row. Then along to the '5' column, and there is your answer!
The creation and editing of tasks is make as quick and simple as possible. Findfocus 1 0 24 – block distractions. Rather than forcing you to select frequently used options from one complicated menu after another, Firetask enables you to take advantage of tags to help speed up input.
The creation and editing of tasks is make as quick and simple as possible. Findfocus 1 0 24 – block distractions. Rather than forcing you to select frequently used options from one complicated menu after another, Firetask enables you to take advantage of tags to help speed up input.
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A comprehensive ‘today' view provides and excellent overview of what need to be focused on next and iPad and iPhone owners can take advantage of iOS versions of the app. Tasks can be synchronised between OS X and iOS via wifi so you can access you most up to date task list wherever you may be.
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Firetask 3 5 40
It could easily be argued that Firetask is a little on the expensive side, but what it does, it does wonderfully – you just need to decide whether you are willing to pay the premium.